Monday, April 23, 2012

Revistiting In-Edible Glitter

Referring to my previous post "Disco Balls & In-Edible Glitter" on 25 January 2012.

This article surfaced yesterday:

It would appear the debate is still very much alive!

I still stand by my decision to not use "non-toxic" glitter on my cake pops.  I also believe the food standards industry needs to step up and clearly mark anything that is going to be ingested - either it's a *food* or it isn't!


  1. I was visiting my Grandma in Orange and picked up your card at the Orange Farmers Markets. I had just had my first attempt at cake pops the day before - not the best haha. Your ones are so gorgeous!

    1. Thanks for your lovely comment! Believe me, my first ones looked nothing like they do today - I nearly gave up before I'd even started. Keep trying, they are a bit time consuming but it's worth it in the end :)
